something about my life in Tupiza - the truth is - it is not a city - not city-like at all !
no cinema, theatre, good club, art gallery or any place where I normally use to go when traveling or living in a place, Tupiza is totally not like places I know.
Tupiza is located at 2850m and has approx. 40000 habitants, and I think I already recognize a lot, and definitely a significant part of them recognize me :)
I was at the after graduation party last Friday, huge amount of people ( every student invite on this ocassion approx. 30-50 people !, that looks more like a collectvive weddings party than a prome ), today for instance I went alone on trekking 15km from my place ( the surrounding of Tupiza is just amazing, gonna put some pics as soon as I will be able) and on a way accidentaly I met two people who have already known me!
I spend most of my time in my tourist agency I work till 18-19 ( but I have 3h lunch break) I eat with the people from the agency - tommorow is my turn to cook. The agency was established 6 years ago by a local doctor and his wife in order to give jobs and opportiunities of development to local people, there are app 30 people involved in a project. What I like about it is that they really offer fair work conditions ( transparent ang good contracts) with, at the same time, very good quality service, and they do care about their clients !
what does Maya do over there:
Every day I give english classes (cooks, drivers, guides, and hotel stuff and their kids - student age varies from 5 - 55 :) ) and german ! ( agency stuff) ALL IN SPANISH !
I also work on some little marketing improvements and audio guide. And has a possibility top go as an english speaking guide on tours, probably I'll do it one of these days.
It is good. I feel I am doing sth good and I feel they appreciate it a lot.
Gonna stay here a little while...
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Dziekujemy za zyczenia. Szopke powiesimy na choince.
ReplyDeleteFeliz Navidad y Prospero Ano. Abuelita y Tia.Iwona