Tuesday, November 29, 2011

problems with leaving La Paz

I was supposed to be already in Tupiza (south of Bolivia), but it is not that simple, there are lots of strikes all over Bolivia. It´s amazing I saw a protest of  grandmas ! they were protesting about cuts of pensions, another day there was a strike of disabled people that came on their wheel chairs from the cities 100km away from La Paz to fight for their rights! There are also road barricades, especially of the highway south of La Paz ( which is exactly where I am going).

Bolivians, that I got to know, call themselves " the nation of protesters" and they do not pay much attention to it, as there are always strikes and crowds of police on streets. They say it is save, so does touristic police, so does everybody else. I talked with dangerous-looking policemen who instead of warning me about any potential threads, were lauthing and wanted me to take the picture of them ! Here you go :

They are very proud when they can show off on their cool-looking motorbikes :)

The only warning thing about it is that if I am going to leave today ( as I plan, because this is a "permanent strike" so nobody has any idea when it stops) I can get stuck for more than 24 h on a bus ( the travel itself takes 18h, so even an hour in plus makes a difference to my poor ass)
We´ll see, I am going to find out the news at the bus station now, and if I don´t post anything else tonight that means I am on a bus and you have to be patient in order to receive more updates.

p.s. I still have to tell you about theatres, Africa, Zebras and Bolivian Shamans, remind me if I forget !

1 comment:

  1. Fix your own protest. Fight for your right to leave La Paz!;)
